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Posted January 29, 2017
JoJo - What is with these Germans and not staying away from obvious dangers? There was the one in Mexico who didn't back away from the ventilation duct falling victim to Wind, and now there's the one who tried to look into the hole in Wamuu's head, and he was impaled through the head for his foolishness.
HxH - I'm with Cocco. Who is this man who inexplicably appeared in the commentary booth?
OP - Also, Sanji, go get Chopper. Zoro needs a lot of bandages, likely many stitches, and possibly a blood transfusion as well.
Don’t forget the guy that looked at the Hamon-infused cactus before exploding needles into his face!
That mysterious silver-haired gentleman is Baka Ki El Dogra, the main character of Level E, one of Togashi’s less popular manga that was turned into an anime in 2011 by Pierrot and David Production (a.k.a., Naruto and JoJo’s producers respectively). He’s an alien prince with “the best brain and the worst nature”, meaning he’s super smart but uses those smarts to troll people endlessly. He may not have blonde hair or Vic Mignogna’s voice like in FUNi’s dub, but it’s still an exciting cameo. Be honest, how many of you thought I was talking about the tournament announcer trio from YYH in yesterday’s preview write-up?
And maybe also a colostomy bag.
Even if they’re coated in delicious BBQ sauce, fingertips do not count as a dessert.
I find it kinda hilarious that they show Gotenks in the Super OP, but hide him in shadow in the Kai OP.
Oh Beerus, you so picky.
If the food isn’t to your liking, scarf it down so you won’t have to suffer through savoring it. I can understand and respect Beerus in that regard.
Hm, so that’s why Goku decided to keep training instead of dropping in on the party. I guess Saiyans do get bored easily when there’s no fighting to be found.
Sweet Super Kami Dende, how long is that boat even?
Speaking of which, there’s Dende.
Apparently nosebleeding at porn mags counts as a TV-PGS now. If not that, then the subtle nipple outline on the blonde in that picture.
Look at Bulma down those mimosas.
A castle sounds like a pretty frickin’ sweet second place prize.
When spilling your spaghetti is no longer a metaphor.
Holy shit, they did manage to stick a castle in there, the madmen!
You’re kinda forcing that reaction, Goten.
:-D It’s funny when Goten gets hurt.
Best joke of the episodes: a security system that only activates when plugged in.
I think I might now what the grand prize is now…
Meanwhile, on an island somewhere, OG Dragonball characters!
In case any of you who actually watched DB are wondering why Pilaf and gang – or at least Mai – look so young now, it’s because they used the Dragonballs to wish themselves young again (without specifics, naturally) in the 3 years the Z Warriors used to prepare for the Androids’ attack. You’ll understand why I say that later.
Okay… Wasn’t expecting Shu to sound like that.
That’s pretty cheap for a map.
“At least I’ve already dug a grave.”
Yeah, it’s the Dragonballs. How predictable.
Alright, the thick-line close-ups are starting to get distracting now.
Well, at least the dome preventing the Dragon Balls from being detected is a welcome surprise.
“Who’s messing with meeeeeee!?” Goten and Trunks inadvertently, the universe purposefully.
The Seven Days video dooming an entire flight? It’s official, this movie is retarded.
Yes, more retarded than this song.
“Princess Bulma” is such a self-absorbed name for a cruise liner.
Is it wrong that I think crying Mai is kinda cute?
And then Jaws attacked.
Most painful line of the episode: “Holy shnarkies!”
Wait, how are they even holding onto the boat to begin with?
Is it even necessary for Kid Trunks to sound like that? That inflection is wearing thin on me.
I’m having trouble understanding part of what he’s saying. Which makes me further question why I don’t know how to turn the closed-captioning on. (I’m watching this on my HDTV, so you know.)
Well, if there’s one thing DB Super does right, it’s make food look tasty.
Those kids are so nice, even if they do have annoying voices.
I don’t understand. It looked like Vegeta finished his training for the day, but now he’s complaining about being interrupted? Must’ve been looking to go a second round.
:-D You can’t not love Bulma bitching out Vegeta.
You say you don’t have a restaurant, but where do you prepare all that food for Goku? Then again, he probably ate it all…
I’m sure I can do a fake Kamehameha successfully now. That’ll show my 3rd grade peers…
And down goes his roof.
“What’s a Beerus? Is it something you can eat?”
Yes, a purple cat-man deity.
Okay, that peeing in the hot spring line got me.
Of course Goku wants to meet the destroyer god.
“So that’s what a destroyer god looks like, huh?” The way the two are positioned, I’d imagine he’s talking about Whis.
TOP BILLING: King Kai, with Pilaf in second place.
I liked it better when the episode was called “A Monster is Spirited Away!”
What’s a Chobi and how do Gohan and Goten know it so well?
Even a professional dom would think that ringmaster’s being a little too whip-happy.
Oh, so a Chobi’s a dinosaur, then. Baby pterodactyl/pteranodon, it seems.
Smart move taking the polite option, Gohan, even if it is destined to fail.
Oh my, the way his hands and wings are positioned it looks like he’s flashing the crowd.
“I’ve seen some bad stuff, Mister, but stealing a baby just so you can turn a profit is the worst!” Worse than Dragonball GT?
For the sake of preventing a giant pterodactyl attack!
Man, what’s with all the accents this season?
Damn these Russian strongmen!
Russian Strongman: “Are you from outer space?”
Great Saiyaman: “Up, up, and away!”
Me: > “Oh, he just had to have done that one on purpose.”
Whatever happens next, I’m blaming the pterodactyl for.
Oh no, it’s the fuzz!
Even worse, it’s Videl!
To think these two get married later.
Okay, that triumphant laughing is kinda adorable.
Wow, what a crowd.
Femdom unmasking? I’d watch a porn with that setup. [Videl wraps legs around Gohan’s head] Dammit show, how did you know I wasn’t joking there!?
Don’t you find it frustrating when the main character isn’t trusted as much as he should be?
Thank you, parent pterodactyls.
Well, there goes his cover.
Fuck you, circus overlord douche.
And I consider that a job well done.
It’s a good thing Videl sees reason now.
Shut up, Goten.
Not really sure if they’re showing us the original or the HD version of this fight here.
Hmm, wasn’t expecting a new “WE’LL BE RIGHT BACK” bumper there.
I love Mr. Satan’s ego.
Gohan, you’re a terrible liar.
If I was assed enough to watch DBZ when I was younger, Videl probably would’ve been my first waifu. Well, tied with Sailor Jupiter, at least.
Bulma looks different, and yet her hairstyle remains the same.
“I’m rather surprised here the man had children.” You’d be equally surprised that he (likely) has a hot Asian wife.
Bulma smoking still comes off as strange to me.
I can understand why they’re hiding Gohan’s identity, don’t want Chi-Chi going all momma bear on him after finally putting him on the right track.
Trunks, you’re spilling your orange drink. Also, I like your voice better here.
Classic Vegeta.
Nevermind, Trunks’ voice is starting to show Super vibes already.
Trunks has no idea who he is.
You think Gohan was trolling Vegeta there?
TOP BILLING: Trainer? I don’t think he had any lines that would warrant a top billing position. Bah, whatever.
SCREENCAP #1: An establishing shot of the outskirts of Rome.
FUN FACT: When I first saw this episode, I used it as a follow-up to Is This a Zombie? episode 8. (Shut the fuck up, Ben.) And as luck would have it, both episodes featured black-colored noodles as a featured dish. Zombie had boiled seaweed, while JoJo had nero di seppia.
Note that by “black ink”, he likely means the kind people wrote letters with in ancient times.
I always thought Joseph with black lips was weird at first. Now, not so much.
Today’s math lesson: Bryce Papenbrook + a fake Italian accent = dangerous cheesiness.
I love the wine pouring out the holes.
That man is a Zeppeli? Well, he does have the hat, so it’s not too unbelievable. But with a name like Caesar… To quote Abridged Zeppeli, “I would rather die than know anyone who’s named after a salad!”
Still an awkward place to end the OP.
Even when stone, Sanviento is still alive. Dayum, Pillar Men, you scary.
Oh hey, that’s the image from the ending theme!
That weird whistling noise in the BGM is just perfect. 8)
And of course Sanviento is the weakest.
Bryce Papenbrook sure loves flirting with the ladies, regardless of what series he’s in.
Meanwhile, Joseph’s hanging out with some fat Italian pigeons, WHICH ARE AWESOME.
Speedwagon just wants peace.
Hey, don’t blame Jonathan for something that wasn’t exactly his fault.
Shut up, Italian Kirito.
Oh yeah, little reminder: just like how Caesar is voiced by Kirito, Joseph is voiced by Death Gun.
I forgot how much of an asshole Caesar was at the start.
Oh god we Bubble Buddy now.
Goddamn Joseph is the best.
Now, to the hotel!
Pfft, show-off.
That’s a tiny cup.
Okay, I’m starting to love this pair’s squabbling.
Ha ha, those wacky Germans are at it again.
Well that certainly isn’t ominous or anything. >_>
Apparently the cure for wellness involves water, eels, and loads of corpses.
SCREENCAP #2: Speedwagon feeling a bit nervous about that white block no one but Blatch and I care about.
“Germany and Italy have an alliance.” And yet they’re called the Axis powers.
Wait a second… is the audio lagging? I’m pretty sure it’s lagging. One plus over buying the DVD no one else bought over waiting for Toonami to inevitably pick it up.
Yep, he’s a goner.
“Pompous ass” is a good descriptor for Italian Kirito.
I know Angel complained about the Nazis in Shamballa (sorry) being stupid, but the Nazis here are just as bad, if not worse.
He’s so graceful, and yet just as deadly.
Okay, the sight of those melting Nazis is kinda funny.
Now everyone, say it with me…
I’ll admit, I squealed and giggled like a schoolgirl at that scene.
“Gross, I stepped in bat dung!” A little something we like to call “mono a guano”.
Mark, you fool!
That image of the Pillar Men? I used it as my wallpaper for April of last year. It was fun.
Welp, so much for that guy.
Joseph’s trembling… with excitement!
Wham, Cars and AC/DC. Or rather, Wamuu, Kars and Esidisi. Spelling is important when there are lawyers lurking about.
REPLY TO BUU 1: “My guess for the stone's location? Dumbledore's mirror or FDR's wheelchair.” I’d say the latter’s more likely, and also a good hiding place. Especially since no one knew FDR even had a wheelchair at the time.
By the way, that “knee-jerk reaction to stepping on his shadow” ability of Wamuu’s doesn’t come up after this episode.
“Hello… Nazi in pain over here…”
REPLY TO BUU 2: “Either way I gave no shits about him, but was that Speedwagon mercy-hamon killing him?” No, that was Caesar who did that. It’s important to get your characters straight.
“He was a good person.” Even though he was a soldier for a country run by Nazis.
I’ll come clean; as cheesy as the accent is, Bryce actually does a great job as Caesar. That, and his accent isn’t the most ridiculous Italian one to be featured in this show.
Told you that scene took place at the start of the Universal Century timeline.
“As the curtain rose on this new era, Laplace, the prime minister’s residence, exploded. Literally!”
Random question: did 9/11 happen in this universe, or is that just limited to 00?
Thanks for the spoilers, narrator.
The time spent on this recap puts those in One Piece to shame.
That’s the power of Newtypes, baby.
I like the voice of that one Federation guy. Sounds old school without all the terrible acting.
Whoops, false alarm.
I’m getting androgynous vibes from that short-haired he-she over there in that cockpit.
“What is the UC Project?” The production committee for this show, duh.
That big guy floating around in the background.
Oh hey, there’s the Michelle Ruff character my uncle was looking for.
And there’s Yuri Lowenthal’s guy.
Geez guy, keep it in your pants.
Breasts? I knew it, it’s a chick.
That was a pretty good identity guess fakeout.
These heart rate displays are still very confusing, and I can’t find anything online that can give me a hint at decoding them.
Ah, Gundamjackings.
Why does Dean Venture sound so fruity in this role? And that other guy so vaguely British?
Well, at least they aren’t beating him. Nor will they get the chance to.
I don’t know who’s yelling, but you’d think they’d start blocking his calls.
It’s a red Mobile Suit, so of course it’s going faster than normal.
If Banagher is the Renton of this show, Micott is the Shinji.
I think he just recognized her.
Captain guy has the right idea.
“Now you go get some rest, there isn’t anything for you to do.” W-Was that a microaggression?
Yeah, he recognized her, all right.
Just after launch and already a fatality. Crazy shit, this Gundam.
I love this big guy’s cheesy voice acting.
So that’s how you pronounce Aznable.
Is Dean getting turned on by this?
Micott is now pissed, for understandable yet unspoken reasons.
Holy shit breaking for food really ruins my momentum on these comments. Or maybe that’s just Gundam. >_>
Of all the scenes to recap, they chose that one!? I still can’t believe they got away with that…
Two points? Way to go, Gon!
That ball-joint in Hisoka’s torso still disturbs and confuses me, even now.
Ah yes, the exchange of ID badge.
Now it’s time for shit to get really real.
Personality profiles based on aura? Oh, do tell, I wonder where I might fall on that scale…
Anyone who hates this show can go fuck off.
Emitters are short-tempered, you say? How very interesting… Guess that’s where I fall then, you saw my reaction to that Fist Fight promo earlier.
Welp, time for me to shut up and watch the fight now.
“If you won’t come willingly, I suppose I’ll have to force you.” Oh god, where’s Chris Hansen when you need him?
Nobody expects Bungee Gum!
Dang, Hisoka, you so creepy. Guess I gotta give props to Keith Silverstein for pulling it off so effortlessly.
Remember when The Ring was just about the people who watched the video freaking out about what happens after seven days, and none of this gruesome torture porn was necessary? Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Clearly he attached it during one of his hits. Clearly it had to have happened when he hit his face.
Okay, I did not expect that answer. But I can understand it, even before knowing what actually transpired.
That’s a very good point.
Welp, time for me to (mostly) shut up again. But before that… FUCK YEAH GON.
We psychedelic now?
Oh god Hisoka’s turned on face.
And he’s a masochist too. At least, in this case, he is.
Oh well, at least Gon managed to punch Hisoka and give him his badge back.
Heh, they’re interviewing the ref.
And with that, the Heaven’s Arena Arc is finally over.
REPLY TO BUU 3: “So back home to Aunt whatsherface...will she be reading a filler letter again?” No more filler for the rest of the series, actually!
It’s been six months, and she’s only received two letters. Still, should be neat, seeing him return home again after all this time.
Hee, Killua’s going too. Truly the greatest bromance of our time.
All right, time for best episode! (Outside of #82.)
As bad as his rapping is, I just can’t hate it.
The nerve of that guy.
The funny thing is, he isn’t going to be spouting any of those lyrics as they’re written.
That’s… an interesting way to handle your swords.
Okay, this fight is legitimately awesome.
Sasuke’s just surprised that he managed to get served that hard.
Karin what the hell are those hickey marks on your arm. And a-are you getting off on Sasuke giving you another one?
Hmm, so it’s some sort of healing thing.
Killer Bee is outta here.
Or maybe not.
The hell is that pose ev-oh, it’s a tailed beast chakra summon.
Yeahhhhh I doubt Naruto’s chakra came out that tentacle-ly.
Of course Suigetsu landed in the water.
When all else fails, use eyehax.
> HOOOOOOOO SHIIIIIIIIIIET. You got knocked the fuck out!
Dang, bite marks on her chest too? No wonder she gets pleasure from them…
Jugo will take over the healing from here.
So he’s got tentacles…and an ox snout? Okaaaaaaay…
I wanna see a Pop-Tart commercial where the Pop-Tarts exact their revenge on that FUCKING poodle.
Yeah, it’s some type of ox-tentacle monster hybrid.
Bad news, Sasuke’s alive. Good news, Jugo’s still alive too. Weird news, he aged down?
Oh no, he’s summoning a Gantz ball!
Or an energy attack, that’s way more sensible.
REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “How did nobody notice this fight going on before now?” Well, they were fighting amongst all those rock formations, I’d assume those guys thought it was Bee training and not a freaking four-on-one battle.
Technically they aren’t Akatsuki, but they’re Akatsuki-allied, or so the Akatsuki thinks. [akatsuki]
The hell even happened to him? Some kind of petrification?
And that’s when Sasuke learned the true meaning of friendship.
Quick, ditch the robe before your skin burns!
Huh, so he can extinguish the Amaterasu too. I’d call bullshit, but instead I’ll take that as new information.
The Mangekyo Sharingan: the cause of and solution to all of life’s ninja problems.
Well, at least he’s suffering because of his abusing that power.
So the Raikage was Killer Bee’s brother all this time.
REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “I can't really call an episode of Naruto good, but this was definitely less terrible than usual until Sasuke pulled a win out of his ass.” Eh, still failed in their objective to bring him back to Madara, so I’d only call what he pulled off a partial win. Defeated Bee and got out alive, but displeased Madara in the process.
Airing at the advertised time. Good, that one video from earlier could learn a lot from this one.
Well, the imagery here’s weird already.
I like the female yin and yang symbol.
Sweet, an Anthony F. Schepperd-inspired animation sequence.
Oh hey, an Akira reference!
Even the Yin-Yang Couple is weirded out by the path this video has taken.
Oh thank god that was over. Music was fine, but the visuals were inconsistent. 6.5/10.
I still think it looks like they copied all these reactions out of the manga.
Gotta love how indifferent Robin is to all of this.
And somehow the ship’s still there?
How hard do you think Kuma’s gonna regret what’ll happen next?
Well… that’s unexpected. ???
So… Kuma’s a robot, then? Wouldn’t be surprised if they were capable of eating Devil Fruits, if a gun or a sword can eat one, a robot can too.
Pacifista? Oh god, they’re making robots now.
Vegapunk sounds like a smart guy.
Zoro, you are a true man. T_T7
Oh hey, Sanji’s alive too.
So how long until the other Straw Hats start offering up their heads to Kuma?
Ah, so that’s where Usopp, Robin and Chopper are.
Welp, now Sanji’s knocked out for real too.
The shobiyagatsawhatnow? [rewatches] Now show me you got some… no, still can’t figure out that last word.
Devil Fruit Powers: bullshit but oh so neat. :-D
That pain must feel like a dozen circular chainsaws ripping through his insides.
Now you know how high a pain tolerance Luffy has.
Wait, he’s gonna take all that pain willingly? Holy shit Zoro, you have steelier balls than the manliest of men in this world.
And of course he also knows Luffy’s ancestry.
You know what they say, Band-Aids – or in this case injury deflection – heal/s everything.
That’s cold, Robin, but I forgive you.
“Guys… Where’s Zoro?”
There he is, he looks like hell, and he doesn’t even give a damn.
[what a true man]
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